Monday, August 5, 2013

U.S Foreign Policy Pt. 5

August 3, 2013

1. "The danger of talking with the Taliban"

          In making talks with the Taliban, there is increased danger in what may transpire when we are on their grounds. With an abundant amount of bombs and guns, it makes soldiers more wary and more alert in incoming events. Through everything, U.S has tried to make truce with the Middle East, especially the Taliban, hoping to promote peace.

          Stepping on the ground of the Taliban U.S soldiers exposed to much danger, especially when the Taliban decides to attack. In making peace with the Middle East, the U.S hopes to get through the Taliban in hoping to make peace with the people. These peaceful talks and actions are toward to nonviolence and to not to recruit more Taliban members.

2. "Why Taliban would talk as U.S. withdrawal looms"

          As U.S soldiers slowly withdraw from the Middle East, the Middle East hope to gain influence through the region. The Taliban has promoted violence throughout the region, and it was up to the U.S soldiers to take action. The U.S and many countries throughout the Middle East have had talks to promote peace between the two countries, yet the Taliban stands between them.

          In talks with the Middle East, the U.S questions the Middle East leaders in their actions when the Taliban does violence. The Taliban with the U.S soldiers withdrawing, have gained more influence, recruiting more and more members to promote violence, especially jihad. These influences are dangerous, especially to the future peace between the U.S and the Middle East countries.

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